Monday, September 21, 2009

What. A. Mess.

Crazy times.

I'm serious. My week hasn't started off the greatest. Usually my bad times start on Monday, though - usually.

I wish they had.

Sunday started off with some unexpected sickness - nothing I couldn't cope with, but still not leaving me in the best of spirits. I was feeling better by the time we were headed to church, though - that is, until we turned onto the road our church is on and saw six cop cars. Turns out they had a fugitive in the woods - with an accomplice. Oh goody. That means that a couple of us guys had to stand next to the door to keep the little kids in. Great. Not only do I miss the sermon, but I can't take a nap earlier. So by the afternoon, I'm feeling sick again. Figure that getting some exercise is a good idea, get the ol' lymph moving, and so I play some soccer. It does help me feel better, but by the time we get home I'm feeling even more tired. Then I learn that the Pats lost, to the Jets of all people. That didn't help my mood.

Yeah, okay, so that's not really so bad. But still. I am a Pats fan.

Okay, and now I have homework. I had a presentation to give for my engineering class at college today (today being Monday), so I was preparing my notes Sunday (no, I didn't procrastinate, I had done all my research already, it just needed organization). Well, to cut a long story short, I started feeling more energy - right around 9 pm. Brilliant. Not getting much sleep that night. At least I had something to watch - I'm a Giants fan too (but Pats first) - and then I was finally in bed.

Well, I slept horribly. So now, what I have to do is survive a five-class day on three hours of sleep. The sickness went away, thank goodness, so I don't have to deal with that; of course, for every good there must be an evil (well, not really, but it's an interesting premise), so it ended up that I fell asleep in math class, right while we were covering a really important subject. I woke up just in time for the teacher to say "Any questions?"

My one highlight of the day was becoming a quote from my philosophy teacher. "Like (Jason) said..." So that was pretty cool - not often a freshman does something like that, I don't think. But then - following the premise from above - someone who a couple of years ago I would have called my friend sent me an email trying to jerk me around...

Well, you get the idea. Thanks for listening to my personal pity-party. Now you'll have to pardon me - I'm stuck waiting for a lot longer than usual 'cause Dad had to stay late at work.

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