Saturday, July 18, 2009

R.E.S.T. so I can be F.I.N.E.

Y’know, f’r once in my life I’d like some more rest and a lot less R.E.S.T. You all know what F.I.N.E. means, right? Freaked out, insecure, neurotic, and emotional. Well, R.E.S.T. is sort of the same way – rushed, emotional, sleep-deprived, and testy.

But, however it works out, I’m still churnin’ along on Jack: Chronicles and Tal: Journeys. Tal is like Jack, only he’s more fun-loving, upbeat, and less easily depressed – like Den from my Lands of the Sun project. He’s also more skilled and more powerful than Jack – and older, did I mention older? He’s something of an older brother to Jack – when they meet, that is. The Pathways is a big place, after all – they only meet once or twice (or, if they’re lucky, three times) a millenium.

So the complete list of Wanderers books (planned) is:

-Jack: Carolae Chronicles

-Jack: Darkfall Chronicles

-Jack: Terran Chronicles

-Jack: Rhahnak Chronicles

-Jack: Reymai Chronicles

-Tal: Candlelit Journeys

-Tal: Blazelit Journeys

-Tal: Starlit Journeys

Those of you who know about Wizard’s Way can probably guess that since Jack is a Stormwatcher, that would make Tal – yup, you did guess it – a Fireshaper. Makes it all sorts of fun to write.

I made a mistake, though. (Yeah, shocking, isn’t it?) I allowed another author to use Jack in her story – without closely circumscribing what she could do with him. You might not think that such a big deal, but then she started misusing him – big-time. And now, of course, she claims that Jack’s her character now, not mine…it’s a big mess. Part of the mess was that I had created him previously to moving down here to North Carolina, and when adding him to her story had used him as a side character – small role. But she changed the role to a central character! If I told her she couldn’t use him any more, it would destroy her story – she’d hafta start writing all over again. I’m not that evil.

So I need a quick and satisfactory resolution to that…we’ll see what happens. In the meantime, if anyone out there is using the Windows 7 RC (build 7100), I have a little something for you, if you want it.

Mysterie Themepack @ DeviantART

Have fun, and see ya later!


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